心理科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6): 1455-1464.DOI: 10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20240617

• 社会、人格与管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


姜福斌1, 王震**1, 宋瑶2, 张慕凡3   

  1. 1中央财经大学商学院,北京,100081;
    3中国人民大学劳动人事学院, 北京,100872
  • 出版日期:2024-11-20 发布日期:2024-12-24
  • 通讯作者: **王震,E-mail: wangzhen@cufe.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Coming Back Empty-Handed: Employee Reactions to Promotion Failure

Jiang Fubin1, Wang Zhen1, Song Yao2, Zhang Mufan3   

  1. 1Business School, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, 100081;
    2School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, 100029;
    3School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872
  • Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-12-24

摘要: 随着职场竞争愈发激烈,员工晋升失败现象屡见不鲜。然而,学术界对这一现象并未给予应有的重视,且已有研究相对分散,彼此间缺乏对话。这使得一些关键问题仍未被厘清,尤其是员工面对晋升失败会有何反应,为何以及何时会有这些反应。如果不厘清这些问题,不仅会阻碍晋升失败的理论发展,也不利于企业对晋升失败员工的干预和帮助。基于对以往文献的系统梳理,总结了个体面对晋升失败的情绪、认知、态度和行为反应,提炼了公平启发、情绪认知评价和挫折-攻击3种反应机制,并识别了影响这些反应的个体和情境性边界条件。在此基础上,提出未来研究应推动4个转向。这不仅有助于理论界全面了解晋升失败及其影响结果,助力后续研究的开展,还能启发实践界对晋升失败的有效干预与管理。

关键词: 人力资源管理, 晋升, 晋升失败, 晋升成功

Abstract: Human resources are the primary asset for enterprise development, and promotion is a key method to invigorate this resource. Promotion is critical for both organizations and employees. For organizations, decisions regarding promotion candidates affect the development of teams, departments, and the organization as a whole. For employees, promotion represents career success, indicating an increase in organizational status and salary. However, to increase internal competition, reduce the number of management positions, and control costs, organizations often offer limited promotion opportunities. This means that only a few employees can succeed, while the majority face promotion failure in promotional activities. Generally, promotion failure causes employees to miss their goals, hinders their development, and negatively impacts their psychological health and job performance. Specifically, behind each promoted employee, there are usually many unsuccessful candidates and ignoring this group can lead to reduced management efficiency, wasted resources, and loss of talent.
Despite its importance, academic and practical attention has historically focused more on promotion success, with interest in promotion failure emerging only in recent years. Overall, research indicates that employees who experience promotion failure exhibit various negative reactions. Although there have been some advances in the study of promotion failure, the research remains limited and fragmented, lacking coherent dialogue, which significantly hinders further research and practical application. Furthermore, existing studies primarily focus on employees’ negative reactions to promotion failure, lacking in-depth examination of the nature of these reactions, boundary conditions, and research topics, thus offering limited practical insights for promotion management.
Notably, a search for “promotion failure” in the CNKI database reveals that, to date, no research specifically addresses this issue in China. This indicates a severe disconnect between management practice and academic research on this common workplace phenomenon. To inspire future research and guide management practice, this paper aims to systematically review and synthesize existing studies and suggest future research directions. Specifically, this paper first reviews the emotional, cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral responses of employees to promotion failure. Then, it identifies three theoretical mechanisms—fairness heuristic, cognitive appraisal, and frustration-aggression—that explain these responses. Furthermore, it identifies the individual and situational factors that moderate the effects of promotion failure. The paper concludes by analyzing the existing research gaps and suggesting several directions for future research. For example, from “whether” to “frequency” — optimizing the measurement methods of promotion failure; from “negative” to “positive” — enriching the nature of the impacts of promotion failure; from “employee” to “leader” — expanding the subjects of promotion failure research; and from “Western” to “local” — exploring the boundary conditions of the effects of promotion failure. Moreover, we have not only proposed these research directions but also presented practical and theoretically valuable propositions to guide future research, providing a clear pathway for subsequent studies to build on. This paper is the first comprehensive review of promotion failure and aims to support academic research and management practice in this area, bridging the gap between theory and practice.
To sum up, promotion failure is a significant source of stress for employees and is very common in organizations. Unfortunately, research on this topic is still shallow, and Chinese scholars have yet to pay sufficient attention to this phenomenon. This paper systematically integrates relevant studies to address questions such as how, why, and when employees react to promotion failure. By offering a comprehensive review, this paper aims to provide researchers with a thorough understanding of the literature on promotion failure, thus facilitating a quicker entry into the field. Additionally, it aims to help employees and organizations better understand and manage the common occurrence of promotion failure, providing scientific guidance and deep insights for future organizational stress management practices.

Key words: human resource management, promotion, promotion failure, promotion success