›› 2019, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 402-406.

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A study to measuring methods of nominal advice-taking

1, 2   

  1. 1. The school of psychology and cognitive science, east china normal university
    2. Soochow University
  • Received:2018-01-11 Revised:2018-08-12 Online:2019-03-20 Published:2019-03-20



  1. 1. 华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院
    2. 苏州大学
  • 通讯作者: 段锦云

Abstract: Decision making has become a hot topic in psychological research for a long time, and research of advice-taking is also on the rise. The previous research of advice-taking mostly starts with the difference between the judge's initial decision and the final decision, and does not take into account the implicit attitude of the judge. In this study, from the perspective of implicit attitude, advice-taking was divided into nominal advice-taking and real advice-taking. In nominal advice-taking, jugdes may accept advices verbally, but the judge’s heart is not really accept advices, from the point of implicit attitude, although in the final judges accept advices, but the implicit cognition and attitude has not changed, cognitive dissonance may exist in the process. The experiment used the implicit association test and test-retest method to measure the nominal advice-taking and compared two methods. The participants were randomly selected by the two methods of implicit association test (N=67) and test-retest method (N=52), all the subjects with normal vision, without Color blindness and color weakness. Implicit association test is an indirect way to measure implicit social cognition of individuals by measuring the evaluative relationship between concept words and attribute words.In this method, we picked out the questions in which the judge accepted the advice, then statisticed the reaction time of the two options between the compatible group and the incompatible group to compare. Thus we could measure the degree of nominal advice-taking. The test-retest method is the same test of two times for the same subjects with a certain interval of time. In this method, we compared the choices of the same question by the same participant to measure the degree of nominal advice-taking. Firstly, the word search task was used to initiate a low sense of power of the participant. Then participants needed to finish a decision task. In the implicit association test, participants were required to complete a task of categorizing words at the same time, the reaction time of the participants was analyzed to measure the degree of nominal advice-taking. If the reaction time of the compatible group was longer than the incompatible group, then in this question, the judge had nominal advice-taking. In the test-retest method, the participants were required to complete the same decision task after two weeks, finally compared the choices in two times to measure the degree of nominal advice-taking. If the choices were different, the judge had nominal advice-taking. The study found that, first of all, two kinds of measuring methods were able to measure the nominal advice-taking of judge successfully. But the results of the two kinds of measuring methods were different, the degree of nominal advice-taking measured by test-retest method was higher than implicit association test. Overall,This study emphasizes the implicit attitude, from this point of view, advice-taking was divided into nominal advice-taking and real advice-taking. Two methods were used to measure the nominal advice-taking of judge. It lays a foundation for the research of nominal advice-taking and opens a new direction for the research of advice-taking.

Key words: nominal advice-taking, implicit association test, test-retest method, the difference of power

摘要: 前人研究建议采纳多集中于决策者初始决策和最终决策的区别,未曾考虑过决策者的内隐态度。本研究关注决策者的内隐态度,将建议采纳分成表面采纳与真实采纳,创新地提出用内隐联想测验法和重测法测量表面采纳。比较两种方法,它们各有利弊,内隐联想测验法理论基础较扎实但灵敏度不及重测法, 重测法操作较简便但更容易出现被试脱落等问题。

关键词: 建议表面采纳, 内隐联想测验法, 重测法, 权力差距