Journal of Psychological Science ›› 2023, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 57-64.

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The Influence of Daily Emotional Experiences on Self-Control: The Moderating Role of Conscious Effort


  • Received:2021-02-15 Revised:2021-08-18 Online:2023-01-20 Published:2023-02-17



  1. 1. 南通大学教育科学学院
    2. 南通大学
    3. 上海师范大学
  • 通讯作者: 陈宁

Abstract: Electronics are becoming the most popular entertainment tool for adolescents today, which warnings are issued both nationally and internationally about relying too much on electronic devices. The overuse of electronic devices by college students is intended to obtain rich variety of emotional experiences with minimal effort, and the overuse of electronic devices is a typical manifestation of their lack of self-control. In this context, this paper examines the influence of daily emotional experiences of college students on self-control by two closely related studies and further explores the conditions and mechanisms of this influence. Purpose: The purpose of Study 1 was to understand the current situation of daily emotional experiences of college students, such as the nature and source of daily emotional experiences, the level of conscious effort and the length of time of playing with electronic devices, etc.; In study 2, eligible subjects were chosen the basis of study 1. In addition, self-control variables were added in order to examine the effects of emotional experiences induced by different levels of conscious effort on college students' self-control. Methods: A questionnaire survey and experimental intervention were conducted among 300 college students from freshmen to juniors in Jiangsu province by cluster sampling method. Results: Study 1 found that the difference between positive and negative emotions experienced by college students in daily life was significant, and positive emotions were predominant. At the same time, the sources of emotional stimuli with low conscious effort were significantly more than those with high conscious effort, and the main sources of emotional experiences were not the same for boys and girls: boys' positive and negative emotional experiences were mainly derived from playing games and sports, while girls' were mostly derived from movies and videos, interpersonal relationships, etc. Study 2 found that the method of "conscious effort" successfully induced daily emotional experiences; the main effect of daily emotional experiences on self-control was not significant; conscious effort significantly and positively predicted self-control, and high levels of conscious effort played a positive moderating role in the relationship between daily emotional experiences and self-control. Conclusions: (1) College students' daily emotional experiences differed significantly and were dominated by positive emotional experiences, while the sources of emotional stimuli with low conscious effort were more than those with high conscious effort; (2) College students' daily emotional experiences did not have significant predictive effects on self-control, while conscious effort significantly and positively predicted self-control, and high levels of conscious effort played a moderating role in the relationship between daily emotional experiences and self-control. This research has important theoretical significance and practical value. On the practical level: Inducing emotional experience through conscious efforts not only provides a new path for emotional regulation, but also improves students' self-control behavior, which is more helpful to reduce students' dependence on mobile phones and internet addiction. On the theoretical level: First, the classification of promoting emotional experience, that is, emotional experience induced by conscious efforts or unconscious efforts; The second is to expand and deepen the theoretical model of "unconscious emotion"; Third, it is the first time to prove that "this happiness is different from that happiness", which will directly promote the study of the value field of emotion!

Key words: daily emotional experience, self-control, conscious effort, moderating effect, self-control resources

摘要: 沉迷于电子产品所诱发的积极情绪体验严重影响青少年的学习与生活,引起社会各界高度重视。本文通过两项研究考察日常情绪体验与意识努力程度对自我控制的影响,并探讨其背后的内在机制。研究1采用问卷调查随机抽样300名大学生发现,大学生日常情绪体验差异显著,且以积极情绪体验为主,同时低意识努力的情绪刺激源显著多于高意识努力的情绪刺激源;研究2在研究1基础上,进一步通过“意识努力”介入的方式对136名被试进行干预,结果表明大学生日常情绪体验对自我控制无显著预测效应,意识努力显著正向预测其自我控制,且高水平的意识努力在日常情绪体验与自我控制之间的关系中发挥正向调节作用。

关键词: 日常情绪体验, 自我控制, 意识努力, 调节作用, 自我控制资源