Journal of Psychological Science ›› 2023, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1432-1439.DOI: 10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20230620

• Social,Personality & Organizational Psychology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Associations of Parenting Stress, Mindful Parenting and Parent-Child Relationship: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model

Li Yan1, Ju Jiawen1, Liang Lichan1,2,3, Bian Yufang1,2,3   

  1. 1Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment toward Basic Education Quality, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875;
    2Child and Family Education Research Center at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875;
    3Institute of Mental Health and Education at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875
  • Published:2023-12-19

父母育儿压力、正念教养与亲子关系的关系:基于主客体互倚模型 *

李妍1, 鞠佳雯1, 梁丽婵1,2,3, 边玉芳**1,2,3   

  1. 1北京师范大学 中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心, 北京, 100875;
    2北京师范大学儿童家庭教育研究中心, 北京, 100875;
    3北京师范大学心理健康与教育研究所, 北京, 100875
  • 通讯作者: **边玉芳,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:
    *本研究得到“新时代我国家庭教育指导服务体系构建研究国家社会科营基金重大项目 (20ZDA07I)的资助


Purpose: Parenting stress, a type of role-related stress, is perceived by parents when they experience child-rearing issues. Parenting stress causes parents to give up their roles or to become passive, which often prevents them from shaping an intimate parent-child relationship. In that process, mindful parenting, referring to a set of skills or practices in parenting, may become a vital factor and play a mediating role in it. According to the Family System Theory, fathers and mothers are inherently dependent in interdependent relationships. Therefore, parents’ characteristics cannot solely explain their parenting behavior, and researchers should also consider their partners’ influence. However, there is limited research that treats parents as an integral unit in data analysis or investigates such questions. As a result, this study aims to examine how parenting stress experienced by mothers and fathers influences their own (actor effects) and the partner’s (partner effects) parent-child relationship. Furthermore, we test the mediating role of mindful parenting and the gender differences in both actor effects and partner effects.

Methods: Written consent forms were given to school administrators, students, and parents to obtain their consent. Students brought questionnaires for parents and then brought them back to school after parents filled them respectively. A total of 700 families rated their parenting stress, mindful parenting at T1, while 560 families rated parent-child relationship at T2, and FIML was used to deal with missing data. The final example included 700 families, consisting of parents of 336 boys and 363 girls. At T1, on average, children were 14.26 years old (SD = .45 years old). Percentages of the maternal and paternal educational level were 73.3% and 71.0% for junior college and above. The study first used SPSS 25.0 to analyze general descriptive statistics and pairwise correlations (Pearson's r) and then used MPLUS 8.3 to build the Actor Partner Interdependent Model(APIM), which was useful to analyze non-independent data.

Results: (1) Parenting stress had both negative actor and partner effects on the parent-child relationship. It showed that parents with higher parenting stress at the first measurement occasion perceived worse parent-child relationship 1 year later, and so do their partners’. (2) The mediating actor effects showed that mindful parenting played a mediating role in their owned parenting stress and parent-child relationships. Specifically, parenting stress negatively predicted mindful parenting, and mindful parenting positively predicted the parent-child relationship. (3) Regarding mediating partner effects, maternal parenting stress predicted the father-child relationship only through paternal mindful parenting, while paternal parenting stress predicted the mother-child relationship only through maternal mindful parenting. (4) The statistical tests indicated that there were no gender differences between fathers and mothers in both actor effects and partner effects.

Conclusions: This study improves our understanding of the underlying mechanism involved in the family by showing the relationship between parenting stress and parent-child relationship. Parenting stress affects both parents themselves and their partner's mindful parenting and the parent-child relationship. The findings demonstrate the significance of including both fathers and mothers in one study to enhance our understanding of the mutual influence among family members. It also provides not only a basis for parent-child relationship promotion but also targeted intervention programs for families.

Key words: parenting stress, parent-child relationship, mindful parenting, actor-partner interdependence mediation model

摘要: 对北京700个家庭的父母进行连续两年的测查,基于主客体互倚模型探讨青少年父母育儿压力对亲子关系的影响以及正念教养的中介作用。结果发现:(1)父母的育儿压力均能显著负向预测自身及伴侣的亲子关系。(2)父母育儿压力可以通过自身正念教养对自身亲子关系产生影响。(3)父母育儿压力可以通过伴侣正念教养对伴侣亲子关系产生影响。该研究对减少父母育儿压力的消极影响、提升亲子关系起到一定的启示作用。

关键词: 育儿压力, 亲子关系, 正念教养, 主客体互倚模型