Psychological Science ›› 2011, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 565-570.

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The more fluent the more beautiful?—exploration of abstract art aesthetic processing


  • Received:2010-12-15 Revised:2011-02-28 Online:2011-05-20 Published:2011-06-19



  1. 1.
    2. 上海师范大学
  • 通讯作者: 高湘萍

Abstract: Processes underlying aesthetic appreciation were investigated. Based on the hedonic fluency model, we assumed content accessibility, clarity, and beauty were associated with processing fluency and affected preference rating .According to the inconsistent results of previous studies, we attempted to explore the processing stages of aesthetic perception and aesthetic judgment. Using the explicit classification paradigm, in Experiment 1 we measured the time needed to recognize cubist art works of different classes of content accessibility, clarity, and beauty. And in Experiment 2 subjects were asked to evaluate all pictures presented in Experiment 1. The results demonstrate higher content accessibility, clarity, and beauty are associated with higher processing fluency. Content accessibility and beauty have positive correlation with preference rating. Higher processing fluency was associated with higher evaluation. In addition, the more beautiful the art work is the more processing fluency it owns. A gist is formed and used as criteria of classification during the initial stage of aesthetic appreciation. And the processing fluency of gist formation contributes to aesthetic evaluation.

摘要: 研究探讨审美加工的心理机制。基于愉悦流畅模型假设作品的内容易得度、清晰度、美丽度会通过影响加工流畅性进而影响审美偏好。研究包括两个实验,实验1以分类任务为实验程序记录被试对内容易得度、清晰度、美丽度不同的绘画的识别反应时,实验2请被试对实验一呈现过的绘画进行偏好评价。研究结果证明抽象审美加工与知觉识别同时进行。内容易得度、清晰度和美丽度显著影响作品的加工流畅性。加工流畅性和偏好评价显著正相关.

关键词: 审美, 愉悦流畅模型, 加工流畅度 , 反应时 , 偏好评价, aesthetic appreciation, hedonic fluency model, processing fluency, response time, preference rating

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