Psychological Science ›› 2014, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 1117-1124.
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宗利娟1,刘俊升1,李 丹1,陈欣银2
Abstract: Depression and parenting stress are common phenomenon in postpartum women. Both of them increase risks for the development of psychopathology in the children. Risks of maternal depression on children might be transmitted through four mechanisms, such as heritability of depression, innate dysfunctional neuroregulatory mechanisms, parenting and stressors. Maternal depression is related to children’s behavior problem, such as negative affect, heightened emotionality, anxiety. Parenting stress can be seen as resulting from a perceived discrepancy between demands pertaining to parenthood and personal resources. Such stress can be experienced in several areas of life connected to parenting. More parenting stress could predict children’s anxiety, depression and so on. Therefore, this study aimed at exploring the possible relationship between maternal depression and maternal parenting stress by using a cross-lagged design, and construct a moderated mediation model in which parenting stress mediated the relationship between maternal depression and toddlers’ internalizing problem behavior, and this mediation effect was moderated by mother’s education. A sample of 298 mothers and their six month infants was recruited in the longitudinal study for 8 months. Mothers were asked to complete Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, Parenting Stress Index in Time 1 and Time 2, and complete the Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Aseessment in Time 2. The results indicated that: (1) Time 1 maternal depression could predict Time 2 maternal parenting stress after controlling mother’s education and Time 1 maternal parenting stress (β=.136,p<.05) . However, Time 1 maternal parenting stress could not predict Time 2 maternal depression after controlling mather’s education and Time 1 maternal depression (β=-.098,p>.05) . (2) Maternal parenting stress played partial mediating effect between maternal depression and toddlers’ internalizing problem behavior. That is, maternal depression not only had a direct influence on toddlers’ internalizing problem behavior, but also aggravated toddlers’ internalizing problem behavior through mothers’ parenting stress. This mediation effect was moderated by mother’s education. For low education mothers, parenting stress significantly predicted toddlers’ internalizing problem behavior (β=.376,p<.001); For high education mothers, parenting stress couldn’t predict toddlers’ internalizing problem behavior significantly (β=.052,p>.05). All in all, these findings highlighted the mediation effect of maternal parenting stress and moderated effect of mother’s education in the relationship between maternal depression and toddlers’ internalizing problem behavior. Mothers’ high education could significantly reduce the negative effect of maternal parenting stress on toddlers’ internalizing problem behavior. It is important to pay more attention to depressed mothers, and give them much help on their daily life and parenting practices. All these help will be beneficial to children’s mental development. In one word, these results has important theoretical and reference value to maternal parenting.
Key words: maternal depression, parenting stress, toddlers’ internalizing problem behavior
摘要: 采用问卷法对298名6个月婴儿的母亲进行为期8个月的追踪,通过交叉滞后回归以及多层回归分析探究母亲抑郁情绪与母亲教养压力的准因果关系,母亲抑郁情绪与幼儿内化问题间的有调节的中介效应。结果表明:(1)母亲抑郁情绪与母亲教养压力存在准因果关系,母亲抑郁情绪可显著正向预测母亲的教养压力。(2)母亲感受到的教养压力对母亲抑郁情绪与幼儿内化问题的关系具有部分中介效应。母亲抑郁情绪不仅对幼儿内化问题产生直接影响,也可通过母亲的教养压力对幼儿内化问题产生间接影响。不过这一中介模型受母亲受教育程度的调节。只有在母亲受教育程度低时,教养压力对母亲抑郁情绪与幼儿内化问题的中介作用才成立,母亲较高的受教育程度可以明显减弱由于母亲抑郁情绪对幼儿内化问题的影响。这在一定程度上揭示了母亲抑郁情绪对幼儿内化问题的影响机制,对缓解母亲抑郁水平高的幼儿的内化问题提供理论和参考价值。
关键词: 母亲抑郁情绪, 教养压力, 幼儿内化问题
宗利娟 刘俊升 李 丹 陈欣银. 母亲抑郁情绪对幼儿内化问题的影响:有调节的中介模型[J]. 心理科学, 2014, 37(5): 1117-1124.
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