Psychological Science ›› 2014, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 617-624.
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刘世宏1,李 丹1,刘晓洁1,陈欣银2
Abstract: Research has shown that moral emotions are related to adolescents’ school adjustment and problems. However, it is unclear how the family plays a role in affecting adolescent family-based moral emotion and responsibility, which in turn influence school adjustment. This study examined age and gender differences in moral emotion and responsibility based on family moral events, and, more important, how family cohesion, family-based moral emotion and responsibility were related to adolescent school adjustment including externalizing behaviors and academic problems. The participants included 755 adolescents in 4?6?8 and 10 grades from 3 schools in Shanghai. The children were asked to complete questionnaires concerning moral emotions and responsibilities based on family moral events (adapted from Brown, et al., 2008). Theyalso reported on family cohesion using the revised FES-CV (Zou,et al., 1991). Teachers were asked to rate the school-related externalizing behaviors and academic problems for each participant using the teacher–child rating scale (adapted from Hightower et al., 1986). The multivariate analysis yielded the following results. There were significant effects for age, F(15,2051)=12.89, Wilk’sλ=.92, p<.001, η2=.08; for gender, F(5,743)=5.11,Wilk’s λ=.90, p<.001,η2=.03;for Age * Gender interaction, F(15,2051)=1.86.,Wilk’s λ=.96,p<.05,η2=0.01. Girls had significantly higher scores than boys on family-based responsibility and cohesion. Boys displayed more externalizing behaviors and academic difficulties than girls. Grade 4 students seemed to be an important time in adolescent development of school adjustment. Boys at grade 4 had more school problems than girls. Regression analysis showed that family cohesion positively predicted family-based responsibility (β=.09,SE= .018,p<.01), and family-based moral emotions (β=.10,SE= .02,p<.01). Family-based responsibility predicted externalizing behaviors (β=.10,SE= .041,p<.01)and academic problems (β=.08,SE= .042,p<.01). However, family-based moral emotions did not predict school outcomes. Regression analysis and structural equation modeling also revealed that family-based responsibilities were associated with family cohesion and school problems ( χ2(25)=64.10,CFI=.97,TLI=.96,SRMR=.03,RMESA=.05). Family cohesion positively had direct and indirect effects on school problems. In addition, family-based responsibilities partially mediated the effects of family cohesion on school problems. These results help us to understand the role of Chinese family in the development of family cohesion, family-based moral emotion, responsibility, and school adjustment. The study also has implications for family-based prevention and intervention
Key words: school adjustment, family cohesion, family-based moral emotion, family-based responsibility, Chinese adolescents
摘要: 随机选取某市三所普通中小学四、六、八、十年级的755名青少年为被试,使用自评和他评问卷探讨家庭亲密度、家庭道德情绪和责任感与青少年学校适应之间的关系。结果显示:(1)青少年家庭亲密度、责任感与学校适应问题存在性别差异,女生家庭亲密度和责任感高于男生,外化和学业问题少于男生;家庭亲密度、道德情绪和责任感随年龄增长呈下降趋势;(2)家庭亲密度正向预测道德情绪和责任感,直接和间接负向预测青少年学校适应问题。(3)责任感负向预测学校适应问题,并在家庭亲密度和学校适应问题之间起部分中介作用;结构方程模型各指标的拟合效果较好。家庭亲密度、责任感是学校适应问题的良好预测指标。
关键词: 学校适应问题 家庭亲密度 家庭道德情绪 家庭责任感 青少年
刘世宏 李 丹 刘晓洁 陈欣银. 青少年的学校适应问题:家庭亲密度、家庭道德情绪和责任感的作用[J]. 心理科学, 2014, 37(3): 617-624.
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