Psychological Science ›› 2014, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 1354-1358.
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Long SUNCHANG Ruo-Song2
Abstract: Hazard Perception, defined as drivers’ ability to detect the latent hazard and respond to it quickly. Hazard perception is a vital component to safe driving, which differs for one to another. It has been related causally to collision risks and it’s predictable to crash risk. This paper introduces the measurements and applications of hazard perception, aiming at providing some references for future researches. The main measurements used overseas are reaction time method, eye movement method as well as self-assessment method. Based on reaction time technique, Hazard perception test (HPT) is a popular tool used to evaluate drivers’ hazard perception. HPT requires drivers to touch the road users on the screen who are inclined to cause a traffic conflict. Reaction time will be recorded automatically when they touch the screen. At the same time, the location where drivers have touched will be recorded. HPT has been developed in a variety of formats, including those utilizing still images, dynamic video sequences and simulations. HPT is suitable for drivers of all the age and it has been using widely in drivers’ training, assessment and licensure. Using an eye tracker, we can record drivers’ fixation duration, fixation frequency as well as their visual search pattern. Furthermore, these can distinguish the subtle difference of hazard detection between novice and experienced drivers, and provides some basis for hazard perception training program. Also, researchers can split hazard perception reaction time into two parts: from the appearance of hazard to the first fixation, from the first fixation to the final reaction. It enables us to see whether the difference of hazard perception between novice and experienced drivers lies in the phrase of visual processing or cognitive processing. Typically, self-assessment method is always used with reaction time technique together. It requires drivers to rank or classify the hazards emerged in the video clips, or seek the correlations between the rating data and hazard perception reaction time. However, taking its subjective effect into consideration, the rating data, sometimes, can’t reflect the true nature of drivers’ hazard perception. The applications of hazard perception are mainly in the field of how to improve driver’s hazard anticipation ability and their visual search pattern. It’s highlighted that using driving stimulators is an effective tool for training. In the future, we should, firstly, pay more attention to explore the cognitive feature of hazard perception. Then, we should establish a model of its influencing factors so as to predict and analyze traffic accidents better. Finally, we should focus on the commercial applications of its measurements, for instance, developing a standardized HPT or a training intervention program.
Key words: hazard perception, reaction time, eye movements, self-assessment, hazard anticipation, visual search pattern
摘要: 危险知觉是指驾驶员对交通情境中的潜在危险进行识别并做出反应的一种能力。目前,驾驶员危险知觉测量主要使用反应时、眼动或主观评定三种测量方法。在测量中,这三种方法各有优缺点,并出现相互结合的研究趋势。为了提高我国交通安全性,结合国外在提高驾驶员危险预期能力和改善视觉搜索模式两个方面的应用研究,未来国内研究可以在探索危险知觉的认知加工特点、影响因素及加快测量技术的商品化应用等方面加以深入。
关键词: 危险知觉 反应时 眼动 主观评定 危险预期 视觉搜索模式
CLC Number:
Long SUN CHANG Ruo-Song. Review of Research on Drivers’ Hazard Perception[J]. Psychological Science, 2014, 37(6): 1354-1358.
孙龙 常若松. 影响驾驶安全的驾驶员危险知觉研究述评[J]. 心理科学, 2014, 37(6): 1354-1358.
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