Psychological Science ›› 2018, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 553-558.
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,Tao Suo
Abstract: Early researches on decision making didn’t give any room to emotions. Later, Herbert Simon launched a revolution in decision theory when he introduced bounded rationality. Simon knew that his theory would be incomplete until the role of emotion was specified, thus presaging the crucial role contemporary science has begun to give emotion in decision research. Delayed discounting means that, compared with current or recent benefits (or losses), people tend to give future benefits (or losses) less weight and choose current or recent benefits (or losses). Delayed discounting is an important research direction in the field of decision-making. Researchers have explored the relationship between emotion and delayed discounting in a number of areas (e.g., investment, economic policy, health). In the present article, we reviewed the related researches on emotion and delayed discounting. First, we summarized the researches on relations of emotion and delayed discounting, which were divided into three aspects: influence of emotional valence on delayed discounting, influence of emotional arousal on delayed discounting and influence of specific emotion on delayed discounting. Then, we reviewed the theoretical explanations of the effect of emotion on delayed discounting. Finally, the future research directions were prospected. The research status of relation emotion with delayed discounting. Based on the emotional valence perspective, some studies have showed that positive emotions reduced the discounting rate on long-term values, and negative emotions increased the discounting rate for long-term values in delayed discounting tasks. However, the other studies showed that positive emotions increased the discounting rate of the delayed value, and negative emotions reduced the discounting rate of the delayed value. Based on the emotional arousal perspective, the studies showed that different degrees of arousal had different effects on delayed discounting. Emotion is a separable whole of a variety of ingredients, and thus emotions can be further divided into positive emotions such as pleasure, surprise, and negative emotions such as anger, sadness, disgust and fear. Different types of emotions may have different effects on delayed discounting. Some researchers were concerned about the impact of specific emotions on delayed discounting. Based on the specific emotion perspective, there were differences among the effects of different specific emotions on delayed discounting. The theoretical explanations of the effect of emotion on delayed discounting. Affect-as-information theory (AIT) assumed that there were different emotional information for different valence emotions, which affected the individual information processing strategy. In the positive emotional state, the individuals used a top-down processing strategy. In a negative emotional state, individuals tended to adopt a bottom-up processing strategy. Motivational dimensional model of affect (MDMA) argued that the emotional motivation dimension rather than the emotional valence dimension could better predict individual behavior. The direction of emotional motivation affected the direction of the individual's behavior, and its intensity affected the individual's cognitive approach. Appraisal-tendency framework (ATF) argued that different forms of emotions had different effects on human behavior. The theory assumed that emotions were arisen from cognitive evaluation, and to promote the individual evaluating tendency to decision-making task, then to influence individual decision-making through the information processing content and depth. The future research direction. Firstly, future research should emphasize the interaction between different factors, such as different specific emotions and individual factors, decision-making scenarios and the emotional attributes of decision-making objects, and then examine the internal mechanisms behind these interactions. Secondly, future studies should examine the neural mechanisms of the effects of specific emotions on delayed discounting. Thirdly, future studies should investigate the intervention effect for the negative impact of specific emotions on delayed discounting.
Key words: emotion, delayed discounting, affect-as-information theory, motivational dimensional model of affect, appraisal-tendency framework
摘要: 延迟折扣研究领域日益重视情绪的影响作用。本文基于三类研究取向对情绪与延迟折扣关系研究进行了回顾。情绪效价和唤醒度均影响延迟折扣,但是研究结果并不一致;具体情绪类型不同,其对延迟折扣影响也存在差异。除此之外,本文就情绪信息理论、情绪动机维度理论和评估倾向理论如何解释延迟折扣进行了详细阐述。未来的研究需要进一步深入考察情绪影响延迟折扣的认知神经机制,从而为延迟折扣的负性情绪效应的干预提供可靠的科学依据。
关键词: 情绪 延迟折扣 情绪信息理论 情绪动机维度理论 评估倾向理论
CLC Number:
Tao Suo. The influence of emotion on delayed discounting: status Quo, mechanism and prospect[J]. Psychological Science, 2018, 41(3): 553-558.
刘雷 索涛. 情绪对延迟折扣的影响:现状、机制与展望[J]. 心理科学, 2018, 41(3): 553-558.
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