Journal of Psychological Science ›› 2023, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 644-651.

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Avoiding or accepting? The positive effect activating by the imitation of dissociative reference groups

Yang Defeng, Lei Xi, Lei Shuyu   

  1. (School of Management, Jinan University, Guangzhou, 510632)
  • Received:2021-07-06 Revised:2021-11-17 Online:2023-05-20 Published:2023-05-20



  1. (暨南大学管理学院,广州,510632)
  • 通讯作者: 雷希

Abstract: Consumers are often imitated by others, particularly the dissociative reference groups. Previous study has proposed that the mimicry noticed by imitated consumers would threat their need of distinctiveness, then increasing the intension to disposal or re-customize product they had chosen. Besides, prior researches have mainly focused on the negative effects of dissociative reference groups on consumers. For example, consumers are less likely to choose the products or brands related to their dissociative reference groups, aiming to keep their positive social identity. According to these findings, when consumers are aware that their possessions have been imitated by dissociative reference groups, this mimicry would evoke negative responses such as lower brand attitude. But is this inference always correct? We propose that the impact of imitation from dissociative reference groups depends on the product features, more specifically, the environmental significance. In other words, this study explored the interaction effect of imitation from dissociative reference groups and environmental significance of product on possession disposal intention. Via two experiments, we provide evidence for the proposed main effects and underlying mechanism. Study1 was a 2 (imitation from dissociative reference groups: imitation vs. non-imitation) × 2 (environmental significance of product: green product vs. non-green product) between-subjects design, examining the interaction effect of imitation and environmental significance on possession disposal intention, as well as the mediating effect of meaningful existence. Study 2 was a 2 (manipulation of meaningful existence: manipulation vs. control) ×2 (imitation from dissociative reference groups: imitation vs. non-imitation) × 2 (environmental significance of product: green product vs. non-green product) between-subjects design. In study 2, we further examined the mediating effect of meaningful existence adopting a process-by-moderation approach. The results show that the consumers who are imitated by dissociative reference groups will be more likely to dispose their possessions when using a non-green product. However, consumers report lower disposition intention when the imitated possession is a green product. Besides, this research has identified consumers' meaningful existence as a mechanism explaining the interaction effect above. Meaningful existence mediated the interaction effect of imitation and environmental significance of product. This research has provided several theoretical contributions to the relevant research fields. Firstly, our research extends the literatures about imitation by exploring the boundary condition of noticed imitation. The imitation about green product can lead to positive effect even this mimicry is aware by the mimicked consumers. Secondly, our research extends the understandings about reference group by exploring the positive effect of dissociative group. Thirdly, few studies investigated the effect of green consumption. We explore the positive effect of green consumption in the context of imitation. Finally, we enrich the context of meaningful existence by exploring its’ effect on consumption attitude as well as the influence of imitation on it. From a managerial point of view, our research suggests that companies can cover a story related to the imitation of dissociative reference groups to promote the consumption of green product. Besides, companies can emphasize the environmental significance of product or brand to alleviate the brand crisis triggering by the threat of dissociative reference groups to core consumers. In addition, companies can also help consumers to maintenance or improve their meaning of existence using product or brand, increasing consumers’ attitude towards the brand.

Key words: imitation, green product, dissociative reference groups, possession disposal intention, meaningful existence

摘要: 以往研究多探讨规避群体的负面效应。本研究则从积极视角出发,通过两项实验,探索了规避群体模仿行为和产品环保性质对消费者产品抛弃倾向的交互效应及其影响机制。研究结果显示,规避群体对非环保产品的模仿提升了消费者对被模仿产品的抛弃倾向;而对于环保产品而言,规避群体的模仿则降低了消费者对被模仿产品的抛弃倾向。此外,存在意义感中介了这一交互效应。上述发现延伸了模仿行为及环保消费等相关理论研究,对企业的营销策略也提供了一定的实践启示。

关键词: 模仿行为, 环保产品, 规避群体, 产品抛弃倾向, 存在意义感