›› 2020, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 180-186.
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Abstract: Studies show that people would rather sacrifice their own interests in the ultimatum game to persist in fairness, which indicates that fairness preference is a phenomenon for hunman beings. In recent years, the topic of neural electrophysiology mechanism about fairness preference has become the hotspot within current researches. Researchers mainly adopt the method of ultimatum game, and then explore neural electrophysiological mechanism of fairness preference from the perspective of event-related potential, skin conductance response, heart rate etc. Thus current paper gave a review of the nerve electrophysiology mechanism about fairness preference. Based on this review, several suggestions regarding to the direction for future research were given. The ultimatum game (UG) is a well-studied game used extensively by researchers to study fairness preference. In this game, two players are given an opportunity to split a sum of money. One player (i.e., the proposer) decides how to divide up the money between him- or herself and another player (i.e., the responder). If the responder accepts, the split takes place as proposed; however, if the responder rejects, neither of the two individuals receives any money. Researches about the event-related potential of fairness preference have shown that the feedback-related negativity activation intensity is greater when people are in unfair offers compared with the fair offers; P300 for fair offers has more positive response compared with the unfair offers. Skin conductance response about fairness preference has showed that a significantly higher skin conductance response for unfair offers compared to responses for fair o?er, suggests that participants experienced more emotional arousal when confronted with an unfair o?er as compared to a fair offer. What’s more, heart rate studies about fairness preference have showed that unfair offers were accompanied by cardiac deceleration, as compared with fair offers, which indicates that cardiac deceleration can predicate the rejection of an offer. At present, researches about the brain imaging with fairness preference and nerve electrophysiology have achieved fruitful results but there are still some deficiencies. Therefore based on these deficiencies future researches will be explored from the following aspects. First of all, the future researches can be integrated the brain imaging with nerve electrophysiology. For instance, the participants are measured from the aspect of the brain electrical, skin conductance response and heart rate at the same time in the ultimatum game. Secondly, researchers should integrate brain imaging and the nerve electrophysiology. At last, the fact that the studies about fairness preference mainly adopt the ultimatum game paradigm or its variant limits the research theme and research content to some extent, which means that the research paradigm of nerve electrophysiology should be expanded in the future research. Nerve electrophysiology researches about fairness preference are the cross-discipline between sociology and neuroscience. Therefore, the discussion on the nerve electrophysiology mechanism is beneficial to extend and expand fairness preference research and deepen people's comprehensive understanding of its nature.
Key words: fairness preference, event-related potential, skin conductance responses, heart rate, ultimatum game
摘要: 研究发现,人们普遍具有追求公平的偏好,即人们在追求个人收益时也会关注收益分配的公平性。随着电生理技术的发展,越来越多的研究者采用电生理技术对公平偏好进行深入探讨。本研究从脑电、皮肤电、心电等方面梳理公平偏好的电生理机制。脑电的研究发现,公平偏好相关的脑电主要涉及反馈相关负波和P300;皮肤电的研究发现,相比于公平分配,个体在不公平分配情况下其皮肤电的激活水平更高;心率的研究发现,相比于公平分配,个体遭遇不公平分配时其心率降低。研究公平偏好电生理机制有助于更深入地揭示公平偏好的产生根源与形成过程。未来可从公平偏好电生理的整合研究、公平偏好的脑成像与电生理的整合性探索,以及拓展公平偏好电生理的外部效度和研究范式等方面展开进一步探究。
关键词: 公平偏好, 脑电, 皮肤电, 心率, 最后通牒博弈
徐富明 史燕伟. 公平偏好的电生理测量:来自脑电、皮肤电和心电的证据[J]. , 2020, 43(1): 180-186.
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