›› 2020, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 117-124.

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Effect of Ego-depletion on Altruistic punishment:The Role of Anger and Justice Sensitivity


  • Received:2018-03-30 Revised:2019-08-16 Online:2020-01-15 Published:2020-01-20
  • Contact: HU GAOXI



  1. 1. 广东技术师范大学天河学院
    2. 暨南大学
    3. 华北理工大学心理学院
  • 通讯作者: 胡高喜

Abstract: Altruistic punishment is of great significance to the maintenance and promotion of trust and cooperation among human beings which entail the personal cost to punish norms-violators. In recent years, many psychological scholars explored the underlying mechanism of pro-social and altruistic behavior with the perspective of dual-system theory, however, the study of altruistic punishment was rare. As a typical altruistic behavior, the study of the psychological mechanism is essential. This study explored the influential mechanism from both the situational and trait factors. Altruistic punishment is the specific behavior that individuals showed after subjected to or just observed the injustice.So that anger may play an important role in the effects of ego-depletion on altruistic punishment. Besides the situational manipulation of cognitive processing, the difference of personality can also directly influence decision-making. So the personal difference of sensitivity and reaction intensity can definitely influence altruistic punishment. Past studies showed these differences can be concluded as an inherent personality difference called justice sensitivity. How does the stable personality trait of justice sensitivity moderate the relationship between ego-depletion and altruistic punishment? Two experiments were designed to test these ideas. In Experiment 1, a congruent or incongruent Stroop task was used to manipulate participant self -control resources. The ultimatum game (UG) paradigm was used to measure the altruistic punishment. The rejection ratio of unfair proposals was used as indicators of altruistic punishment. At the same time measure the anger of the participants in the task. In Experiment 2 assessed the justice sensitivity of subjects with the Chinese version questionnaire, with the highest and lowest 27% subjects as the high and low justice sensitivity groups. Each group of 44 participants was selected to participate in the experiment. Then the subjects were randomly assigned to different ego-depletion tasks which were manipulated by a " cross out the e" task. After completing the task,participants were required to Complete the ultimatum game. In sum, we got the following conclusions from the whole study: (1) The statistical analysis showed that subjects in the two groups showed the statistically significant difference, subjects in the high ego-depletion group whose behavioral decision-making was based on intuition showed more rejection towards unfair distribution proposals. (2) The emotion of anger mediated the relationship between ego-depletion and altruistic punishment, which means subjects of the intuition group reported statistically significantly more anger. And this emotion made subjects in the high-depletion group showed more rejection. (3)Justice directedly influenced altruistic punishment, subjects with high JS showed more rejection towards unfair distribution proposals. High justice sensitivity individuals under intuition would have stronger feelings of anger revoked by unfair proposals and had fewer resources to inhibit the negative feelings which induced more punishment. The experimental result confirmed the hypothesis of moderating effect which means the promotion effect only exited in high justice sensitivity individuals. The results showed the high sensitivity did have a stronger response to unfair proposals.

Key words: ego-depletion, altruistic punishment, anger, justice sensitivity

摘要: 采用2个行为实验探讨了自我损耗对利他惩罚的影响。实验1采用“Stroop”任务操纵被试的自我损耗,并考察愤怒情绪在其中的中介作用;实验2使用公正敏感性量表选出高低两组被试后采用“划e”任务操纵被试的自我损耗。两个实验均用最后通牒博弈考察被试的利他惩罚行为。结果发现:高损耗组被试对不公平分配方案的拒绝比例显著高于低损耗组;愤怒情绪在两者间起部分中介作用;高公正敏感组中出现了明显了自我损耗促进效应,低公正敏感组不存在。证实了自我损耗对利他惩罚促进作用。

关键词: 自我损耗,利他惩罚,愤怒情绪,公正敏感性

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