›› 2020, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6): 1411-1417.
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Min-Quan CHAI1,Qian-qian TIAN2,Xian JianWang3,3
Abstract: At present, the situation of doctor-patient relationship in China is not optimistic. Many scholars believe that the media, especially the network media, have a profound impact on the perception of hospitals and doctors. However, few people have studied the mechanism of the influence of netizens' comments on doctor-patient relationship, let alone the cross-influence of online media reports and comments on doctor-patient relationship. Therefore, in order to clarify the mechanism of the influence of online media reports on doctor-patient trust, two experiments were conducted to explore how the consistency of network media reports and comments affects the audience's tendency to trust doctors. Two experiments using non-students as subjects were conducted in this research. A three (coverage direction: positive/neutral/negative) × three (comment direction: positive/neutral/ negative) between-subjects design was used in Experiment 1, which investigated the cross-influence of media coverage direction and network comment direction on the audience's tendency to trust doctors. Experiment 2 adds a variables (the nature of comment (factuality - emotion)) on the basis of experiment 1 to further explore the relationship between the content of comments and the audience's trust in doctors. In both experiments, the subjects were randomly assigned to one experimental condition. In order to verify the authenticity of the experimental materials, we invited 30 students to conduct a pre-test, mainly to verify whether they doubted the authenticity of the experimental materials. The results showed that no one disbelieved those. The results of these two experiments showed that the direction of media reporting, the direction of comment and the nature of comment content did not affect the audience's tendency to trust doctors alone. However, the three factors interact with the audience's tendency to trust doctors. Specifically, under the condition of positive report, especially when the direction of comment is negative, the factual comment content has a more negative impact on the audience's tendency to trust doctors than the emotional comment. For negative reports, subjects who read emotional positive comments had a higher tendency to trust doctors than those who read emotionally neutral comments.This study can make up for the blank of previous studies, enrich the theory of media reporting and doctor-patient trust, and have practical significance in building doctor-patient trust.
Key words: Doctor-patient dispute, coverage direction, comment direction, the nature of the comment, trust in doctors
摘要: 研究通过 2个实验,以非在读学生为被试,考察网络媒体报道和在线评论对医患关系的影响机制。发现媒体报道方向、评论方向及评论内容的性质并不单独对受众的对医信任倾向产生显著影响。但三者的三重交互效应以及报道方向和评论内容的性质两重交互作用显著。具体而言,在正向报道条件下,尤其当评论方向为负向时,事实性的评论内容比情绪性的评论更能对受众的对医信任倾向产生消极影响。对于负向报道,阅读情绪性正向评论的被试比阅读情绪性中性评论的被试具有更高的对医信任倾向。研究结果发展了媒体传播理论和医患关系的社会舆论领域的研究,对于构建和谐医患关系具有实践指导意义。
关键词: 医患纠纷, 报道方向, 评论方向, 评论性质, 对医信任
Min-Quan CHAI Qian-qian TIAN Xian JianWang. The Impact and Mechanism of Online Coverage -Comment on Doctor-patient Dispute on Audience's Tendency to Trust Doctors[J]. , 2020, 43(6): 1411-1417.
柴民权 田倩倩 汪新建. 医患纠纷的网络报道-评论对受众对医信任倾向的影响与机制[J]. , 2020, 43(6): 1411-1417.
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