Psychological Science ›› 2013, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 453-457.
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Abstract: Optimistic bias means people have a tendency to think that positive evens are more likely to happen to themselves and negative events are more likely to happen to other people. This research used the method of the Implicit Association Test to explore the implicit effect of optimistic bias. The subjects consisted of 60 college students. The data of IAT indicated that the mean reaction time in compatible test is shorter than one in incomaptible test signifcantly (t=-8.06, p<0.000), which means that participant tended to associate self with positive events and associate others with negative events. To explore further, we transformed the difference of reaction time between incompatible test and compatible test into D score as the indicator of implicit effect of optimistic bias. The mean D score is 0.47, One-Sample T Test showed that D score was above 0 (t=10.226,p<0.001),which suggested that there was significant implicit optimistic bias. However, there was no siginificant difference between sex although D score of female was less than male’s.
Key words: optimistic bias , unrealistic optimism, Implicit Association Test (IAT)
摘要: 乐观偏差是一个普遍存在的现象。采用Greenwald的内隐联想测验测验(IAT)方法和Inquisit专业软件,以60名大学生为被试对乐观偏差进行了考察。结果发现:乐观偏差存在内隐效应;乐观偏差的内隐效应在性别上没有差异。
关键词: 乐观偏差, 非现实的乐观主义, 内隐联想测验
陈瑞君 秦启文 王晓刚 傅于玲 杨帅. 乐观偏差的内隐效应[J]. 心理科学, 2013, 36(2): 453-457.
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