Psychological Science ›› 2017, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 1075-1083.

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Similarities between Chinese 2R- and 2C-Words in the Processing of Positional Information of the Words’ Components


  • Received:2016-09-02 Revised:2017-01-12 Online:2017-09-20 Published:2017-09-20
  • Contact: Degao Last



  1. 1. 浙江大学
    2. 外国语言文化与国际交流学院语言与翻译系
    3. 曲阜师范大学翻译学院
  • 通讯作者: 李德高

Abstract: Although Chinese two-character words (2C-words) are composed of two characters, many one-character words (2R-words) consist of two radicals, with one on the left and the other on the right. This study investigates whether skilled readers process the radicals’ positional information in a 2R-word similarly to how they process the characters’ positional information in a 2C-word. In a priming task of semantic categorization, a group of college students’ reaction times to the one-character targets (e.g., 肝 [gan1] liver) were primed similarly by the semantic primes (e.g., 肺 [fei4] lung), the transposed non-words of the semantic primes [reversed(S) primes] (e.g., ), and the transposed non-words of the targets (reversed primes) (e.g., ). Their reaction times to the two-character targets (e.g., 电话 [dian4hua4] telephone) were also similarly primed by the semantic (e.g., 手机 [shou3ji1] phone), the reversed(S) (e.g., 机手), and the reversed primes (e.g., 话电). It was concluded that, similar to the case of the characters’ relative positions in a 2C-word, the radicals’ relative positions in a 2R-word do not influence the word’s early stage of semantic processing for skilled readers of Chinese. However, further studies are needed to investigate the relationships between a 2R-word, its radicals, and its radicals’ positional information

Key words: Radicals, characters, relative positions, one-character words, two-character words

摘要: 左右结构单字词(2R词)中的部件和双字词(2C词)中的字都是构词成分。有研究表明,在词汇判断任务中,部件的相对位置影响2R词的识别,字的相对位置却不影响2C词的识别。在其他任务中,2R词中部件的相对位置信息似乎也是可以忽视的。 词是语义表征的基本单位。和启动词汇判断任务相比,启动语义归类任务可能更有利于测量启动刺激和目标刺激间的语义联系。我们采用启动语义归类任务对大学生进行了两项实验研究,并对同一目标词使用了三种启动刺激:和目标词所指事物同属一概念范畴的样例词(语义启动)、语义启动的逆序非词和目标词的逆序非词。 结果发现,不论2R词还是2C词,三种启动刺激对被试判断目标词所指事物是否有生命性的反应有显著性影响,而且,三种启动刺激在启动效应大小上没有显著性差异。这意味着,在激活有无生命概念表征的时候,指具体事物的单双字词有相似性。 结论是,在2R词和2C词识别的早期阶段,熟练读者对词及其构成成分语义信息的提取是同时进行的,构成成分的位置信息不重要。毕竟2R词和2C词结构成分的相对位置是固定的,因此未来需要探究2R词和2C词成分位置信息何时得以加工。

关键词: 部件, 字, 相对位置, 单字词, 双字词