心理科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6): 1351-1362.DOI: 10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20240607

• 基础、实验与工效 • 上一篇    下一篇


江予, 韩雪辰, 李慧敏, 吴佳鑫, 房慧聪**   

  1. 华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院,上海,200062
  • 出版日期:2024-11-20 发布日期:2024-12-24
  • 通讯作者: **房慧聪,E-mail: hcfang@psy.ecnu.edu.cn

The Effect of Mobile Navigation Factors on Wayfinding Performance and Spatial Knowledge Acquisition

Jiang Yu, Han Xuechen, Li Huimin, Wu Jiaxin, Fang Huicong   

  1. The School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062
  • Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-12-24

摘要: 研究探索移动导航因素(导航模式、比例尺)对个体虚拟3D环境下寻路绩效与空间知识获取的影响。研究1建立了适用于虚拟场景寻路的空间知识分类测量任务;研究2在研究1的基础上考察了不同导航因素组合对个体寻路与加工环境知识的影响。结果发现:在路线知识的学习上,男性使用固定模式地图的表现显著好于使用旋转模式地图,女性则相反;在大比例尺地图上,旋转视角比固定视角更有利于学习路线知识,小比例尺地图则相反;寻路绩效存在导航模式的主效应,旋转模式下被试寻路绩效更高。研究结果揭示了导航模式和比例尺的交互作用:导航因素组合若有助于个体建立一致的空间参考框架,将提升对路线知识的获取效果。

关键词: 寻路绩效, 空间认知, 移动导航, 空间知识

Abstract: Wayfinding is a crucial process for individuals to navigate and explore their environment in daily life. Compared to the traditional use of paper maps, modern navigation aids have been found to hinder individuals' spatial knowledge of their environment. Previous research has shown that navigation factors, such as navigation mode and scale, impact how individuals perceive and process spatial information. For example, the user-aligned mode helps individuals form an egocentric representation of space, while the north-on-top mode promotes the formation of an allocentric representation. Additionally, small-scale maps assist in establishing spatial relationships between objects using an allocentric representation, while large-scale maps provide a perspective of nearby space, facilitating an egocentric representation. However, there is a trade-off between wayfinding performance and spatial knowledge acquisition. To address this trade-off, this study aims to investigate which combination of navigation factors best supports spatial knowledge acquisition. Previous research has limitations, such as not controlling for scale as an independent variable and lacking a measurement task that assesses all three types of spatial knowledge. To address these gaps, this study established a measurement task for each type of spatial knowledge and used two scales (1:50 and 1:200) as independent variables, while continuing to include the commonly-studied north-on-top and user-aligned modes. The aim of this research was to investigate the impact of mobile navigation factors (navigation mode, scale) on individuals' wayfinding performance and spatial knowledge acquisition in a virtual 3D environment, considering the factor of gender.
In Experiment 1, 96 participants (48 males, 48 females) were recruited. Participants were first required to complete a virtual spatial task consisting of two phases: wayfinding and return. After completing all ten routes, the participants were required to complete the spatial knowledge test, which consisted of five tasks such as landmark recognition and route sequencing tasks. The scores from these tests were collected and analyzed, and three factors were extracted using factor analysis. Building on the typical measurement task defined in Experiment 1, Experiment 2 employed a 2 (scale: small scale 1:200, large scale 1:50) x 2 (navigation mode: user-aligned mode, north-on-top mode) x 2 (gender: male, female) between-subjects design. The dependent variables in this experiment were participants' scores on the spatial knowledge measurement task and wayfinding performance. The number of participants was 96 (calculated by G-power), and the experimental procedure was the same as in Experiment 1. Experiment 2 revealed the following: there were significant interactions between gender and navigation mode in route knowledge acquisition. Specifically, males performed significantly better in the north-on-top mode compared to the user-aligned mode, while the opposite was true for females. On large-scale maps, the user-aligned mode was more conducive to route knowledge acquisition than the north-on-top mode, aligning with an egocentric representation. Conversely, on small-scale maps, the north-on-top mode was more convenient than the user-aligned mode, aligning with an allocentric representation. A main effect of navigation modes on wayfinding performance was observed, with subjects' wayfinding performance being better in the user-aligned mode than in the north-on-top mode. The results of both experiments indicated an interaction between navigation mode and scale: combinations of navigation factors that suit the individual can help individuals establish a consistent spatial frame of reference, thereby enhancing the acquisition of route knowledge.
The innovations of this article are as follows. First, this study has refined the spatial knowledge measurement task and established a comprehensive measurement task for three types of spatial knowledge, thus providing new ideas on how to reduce measurement errors and conduct measurements systematically and efficiently. Second, based on the spatial reference framework theory, this study found that the influence of mobile navigation factors on spatial knowledge learning and wayfinding performance is conditional. When navigation factors facilitate individuals to process environmental information with a consistent reference framework, it promotes the acquisition of route knowledge.

Key words: wayfinding performance, spatial cognition, mobile navigation, spatial knowledg