心理科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6): 1475-1485.DOI: 10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20240619

• 社会、人格与管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨阳**, 蒋丽玮, 罗欢, 李安祺, 汪旭虹, 曹俊   

  1. 西北师范大学心理学院,兰州,730070
  • 出版日期:2024-11-20 发布日期:2024-12-24
  • 通讯作者: **杨阳,E-mail:yy20111219@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Felt Understanding Promotes Psychological Compatibility

Yang Yang, Jiang Liwei, Luo Huan, Li Anqi, Wang Xuhong, Cao Jun   

  1. School of Psychology, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, 730070
  • Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-12-24

摘要: 以我国多民族为背景,从元知觉视角探讨了感知理解对心理融合的促进效应。以汉族和少数民族大学生为研究对象,通过问卷调查(研究1、研究3)和操纵感知理解(研究2)考察了感知理解与心理融合的关系,研究4通过操纵感知理解和感知喜欢,进一步探讨了感知理解对心理融合的影响。结果发现,感知理解能够促进心理融合,群际合作起中介作用。研究一方面拓展了感知理解与群际关系理论,另一方面为促进社会和谐,加强各民族交往交流交融、铸牢中华民族共同体意识提供路径。

关键词: 感知理解, 心理融合, 群际合作, 感知喜欢

Abstract: Felt understanding refers to ingroup members’ perception of whether outgroup members understand and accept the views of ingroup members, including their beliefs, values, experiences, and identities. Previous studies have examined the positive impact of felt understanding on relationships. Current studies research suggests that felt understanding helps elicit favorable feelings toward outgroups, increases an individual's willingness to cooperate with outgroup members, thereby affecting intergroup relationships, and enhances psychological compatibility. Psychological compatibility is the embodiment of positive intergroup relationships, refers to the state of psychological preparedness of individuals or groups to accept each other, willing to coexist in harmony, the degree of which reflects the status of intergroup relations. Under the background of China's multi-ethnic culture, the essence of establishing a firm sense of community among the Chinese nation and strengthening interaction, communication and integration among the various ethnic groups is to promote the psychological compatibility of different ethnic groups. Therefore, exploring ways to enhance ethnic psychological compatibility is of practical significance in maintaining national stability and promoting the common prosperity of all ethnic groups.
This study examined the facilitating effect of felt understanding on psychological compatibility through four studies. Study 1 examined the relationship between felt understanding, intergroup cooperation, and psychological compatibility through a questionnaire survey with 759 Han and minority college students. Study 2 manipulated felt understanding through the Felt Understanding Start-up Parameter, using a single-factor between-subjects design, with 188 Han Chinese college students to further explore the relationship between felt understanding and psychological compatibility and the mediating role of intergroup cooperation. Study 3 examined the effects of felt minority understanding on psychological compatibility with 302 minority college students as subjects. Study 4 selected 187 Han Chinese college students as subjects and further verified the facilitating effect of felt understanding on psychological compatibility by manipulating felt understanding and felt liking.
Study 1 found that felt understanding, intergroup cooperation, and psychological compatibility were all positively correlated, with intergroup cooperation mediating the relationship between felt understanding and psychological compatibility. Compared to the control and felt misunderstanding groups, Study 2 revealed that the felt understanding group reported closer psychological distance, higher sensory temperature and more positive ethnic impressions. Study 3 found that felt understanding, intergroup cooperation, and psychological compatibility among ethnic minorities were positively correlated, and that intergroup cooperation mediated the relation between felt understanding and psychological compatibility. Study 4 found a significant multivariate main effect of felt understanding. The univariate main effect of felt understanding was significant on all three measures of psychological compatibility, indicating higher psychological compatibility in the felt understanding condition than in the felt misunderstanding condition. There was also a significant multivariate main effect of felt liking, the univariate main effect of felt liking was significant on all three measures of psychological compatibility, indicating higher psychological compatibility in the felt liking condition than in the felt disliking condition. In addition, the results of multiple regression analyses indicated that felt understanding positively predicted psychological distance, sensory temperature, and ethnic impression, whereas felt liking only positively predicted psychological distance and sensory temperature, and did not predict ethnic impression. This suggests that felt understanding and felt liking may facilitate psychological compatibility.
Felt understanding was found to facilitate psychological compatibility, with intergroup cooperation playing a mediating role. This study enriches the downstream effects of felt understanding. On the one hand, this research explored the effects of felt understanding on psychological compatibility from a meta-perception perspective, thus extending the related research on felt understanding and psychological compatibility. On the other hand, it explores the effects of felt understanding on psychological compatibility between Han Chinese and national minorities, providing a basis for promoting intergroup harmony and strengthening ethnic compatibility.

Key words: felt understanding, psychological compatibility, intergroup cooperation, felt liking