Psychological Science ›› 2011, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 414-417.
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The researches about English phonological awareness of Chinese children have got many valuable results. However, the research on Chinese phonological awareness of dialect children is rare. Chinese is a kind of special language with many dialects, and there are significant differences between dialects and standard language. Different opinions were brought forward on the dispute, whether the bilingual Children who have the experience of dialect and Putonghua has more advantages on phonological awareness. From the view of psychological linguistics, the gift of tongues or universal grammar acquired during the study of native language,can promote the second language learning; However, from the linguistics view, the native language interfere the second language learning. The bilingual children who have the experience of dialect and Putonghua have more advantages on Chinese phonological awareness than the only mandarin children, is it true? It needs investigate. 72 children (4 -6) took part in the experiment. There are 24 persons in each group, including 12 shanghai dialect children and 12 the only mandarin children. The Chinese phonological awareness of the subjects chosen was tested during this experiment, the information of children spoken language was collected using the method of hearing presentation. The test of phonological awareness is consisted of syllable awareness, onset-rhyme awareness and phoneme awareness. Because the Chinese is a kind of tonal language, and tune awareness is special, the task of tonal awareness is added in the experiment. The results show: the Chinese phonological awareness and tone awareness of Shanghai dialect children are better than the only mandarin children, although there were no significance between Shanghai dialect children and mandarins in the initial awareness and final awareness;And the bilingual’s advantage has not affected by the age. The research illuminates preschool children in Shanghai not only need to learn Chinese mandarin, but also encourage speaking the Shanghai dialect. Key Words phonological awareness,Shanghai dialect,preschool children
Key words: phonological awareness, Shanghai dialect, preschool children
已有研究对汉语儿童的英语语音意识进行研究,且取得了很多有价值的研究成果,但对方言儿童的汉语语音意识的研究很少。汉语是一种具有众多方言的独特语言,许多方言和标准语的语言体系有着显著差异。具有方言和普通话早期经验的双语儿童在汉语语音意识上是否存在优势,有两种不同的看法:一是从心理语言学层面上,母语学习中获得的语言能力或普遍语法能促进第二语言的学习;二是从语言学层面上来讲,母语对第二语言的学习存在干扰作用。那么双语儿童在汉语语音意识上比单一普通话儿童是否存在优势呢?本研究将进行调查。实验选取72名4岁、5岁和6岁学前儿童为被试,每个年龄组各24人,其中沪语儿童和单一普通话儿童各12名。采用听觉呈现方法对所选被试进行汉语语音意识水平的测试,包括声调意识、声母意识和韵母意识三部分,并收集儿童的口语资料。结果表明: 虽然沪语儿童声母意识和韵母意识主效应不显著,但沪语儿童语音意识总成绩和声调意识成绩均比单一普通话儿童高;沪语儿童汉语语音意识优势不受年龄的影响。本研究启示是,上海地区学前儿童学习标准语(普通话)之外应鼓励使用沪语。
关键词: 语音意识, 沪语, 学前儿童
林泳海 王玲玉 钱琴珍 邱静静. 方言经验对早期沪语儿童汉语语音意识的影响[J]. 心理科学, 2011, 34(2): 414-417.
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