Psychological Science ›› 2015, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 185-190.

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The Impact of Mental Stimulation on Consumer Purchase Intention towards Self-development Culture products


  • Received:2014-06-07 Revised:2014-11-20 Online:2015-01-20 Published:2015-01-20



  1. 上海交通大学
  • 通讯作者: 吕巍

Abstract: This research examined that whether consumer mindset is process-focused or outcome-focused would influence their purchase intention of self-development culture products. The study found that compared with process-focused consumer, outcome-focused consumer had higher purchase intention of self-development culture products. Meanwhile, we found that temporal distance moderates the effect. Under distant future condition consumers’ mindsets would influence the purchase intention of self-development culture products, while under proximal future condition consumers’ mindset would not influence their purchase intention. Furthermore, the research explored that consumers’ future time perspective mediates the effect under distance future condition.

Key words: self-development culture products, mental stimulation, temporal distance, future time perspective

摘要: 本研究探析了消费者的思维聚焦(过程聚焦/结果聚焦)对发展型文化消费产品购买意愿的影响,发现结果聚焦的消费者比过程聚焦的消费者对发展型文化消费产品的购买意愿更强烈。同时,时间距离对这一效应存在调节作用,即时间距离远时,这一效应显著;时间距离近时,思维聚焦对发展型文化消费产品的购买意愿没有显著影响。此外,本研究进一步考察了时间距离较远时,消费者的未来时间洞察力部分中介了思维聚焦对发展型文化消费产品的购买意愿。

关键词: 发展型文化消费,思维聚焦,时间距离,未来时间洞察力