›› 2019, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 1416-1421.

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Who Would Prefer To Buy Green Products? Understanding Green Consumers


  • Received:2017-12-17 Revised:2018-07-17 Online:2019-11-20 Published:2019-11-20



  1. 信阳师范学院心理学系
  • 通讯作者: 王财玉

Abstract: Putting aside for a moment the arguments relating to the definition of green consumption, previous research into green consumerism has been dominated by rural sociologists and geographers. Clearly not all consumers are willing to buy grenn products. Some consumers may be reluctant to purchase green products. In other words, who would prefer to buy green products? When and why? Firstly, we tested the moderation of temporal distance between green consumption values and relative purchase intention. The results showed that the overall model was very significant (R2=0.34, F=27.32, p<0.001). The main effect of time reference and green consumption values were significant. The interaction between time reference and green consumption values was significant (B=-0.51, p=0.02), the explanatory power of the three interactionsΔR2=0.03. Simple effect analysis revealed that, for the subjects with low level of green consumption values, the time reference had positive predictive effect on the purchase intention of green products (B=0.84, SE=0.22, t=3.74, p<0.00), but for the subjects with high level of green consumption values, the time reference had not predictive effect on the purchase intention of green products (B=0.01, SE=0.22, t=0.06, p>0.05).The results shows that the purchase intention of green consumers were more stable and less likely to be influenced by time reference, but non-green consumers tended to buy green products in the future rather than now. Secondly, we tested the moderation of temporal distance between green consumption values and perceived value. The results showed that the overall model was very significant (R2=0.19,F=12.48,p<0.001). The main effect of time reference and green consumption values were significant. The interaction was significant (B =-0.47, p=0.03), the explanatory power of interactionsΔR2=0.02. Simple effect analysis revealed that, for the subjects with low level of green consumption values, the time reference had predictive effect on the perceived value of green products (B =1.04, SE=0.24, t=4.26, p<0.001), but for the subjects with high level of green consumption values, the time reference had not perceived value on the purchase intention of green products (B=0.29, SE=0.24, t=1.21, p>0.05).The results shows that the perceived value of Green consumers were more stable and less likely to be influenced by time reference. A mediated moderation model was represented in the form of a statistical diagram in Figure 1. The total effect of the product of time reference and green consumption values was -0.51, The indirect effect of them was -0.07, This indirect effect was statistically different from zero according to a 95% bias-corrected bootstrap confidence interval (-0.198 to -0.0034). Finally, the direct effect of them was also statistically significant, B=0.44,p=0.03. So the effect of mediated moderation was partly. Conclusion: Green consumers were more stable and less likely to be influenced by time reference, but non-green consumers tended to buy green products in the future rather than now.

Key words: green consumption values, Green consumers, temporal distance, perceived value

摘要: 绿色消费虽然备受关注但消费者积极性却不高,这可能和个体差异性有关。为了考察绿色消费的积极性,本研究从个体差异的视角出发,引入购买时间距离这一变量,以揭示面对绿色产品的矛盾性消费者究竟更愿现在购买还是将来,决策模式是否会存在个体差异。研究发现,时间距离调节绿色消费观与产品购买意愿的关系,而产品价值感知部分中介了该调节作用。具体来说,绿色消费者不会受到时间框定的影响,而非绿色消费者则表现出时间框定效应即更倾向于在将来而不是现在购买绿色产品;这是因为绿色消费观以自上而下的方式影响绿色消费者动机加工,使绿色产品的价值感知较为稳定,而非绿色消费者的价值感知则根据购买时间距离的不同而变化。研究结果说明在生态文明建设日益紧迫的当下培育个体绿色消费观具有重要的意义。

关键词: 绿色消费观, 绿色消费者, 时间距离, 产品价值感知