›› 2020, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6): 1446-1455.

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Peer justice climate: Conceptualization, measurements, effects and future directions

Huai-Yong WANG   

  1. Shanghai Normal University
  • Received:2019-08-27 Revised:2020-05-04 Online:2020-11-15 Published:2021-01-03
  • Contact: Huai-Yong WANG



  1. 上海师范大学
  • 通讯作者: 王怀勇

Abstract: A lot of research has shown that team members often come to share common evaluations of fairness, known as justice climate. Most of past studies tend to emphasize the fairness with which people are treated by those formal authorities in power. In fact, teams can estimate the fairness of the stakeholders that do not have formal authority over each other, their peers. Scholars in this area of organizational justice normally distinguish between them, formerly referred to as authority justice climate, defined as the team members' shared perceptions about the fairness of (formal) authorities, lastly referred to as peer justice climate, defined as teams’ shared perceptions about the way team members, who do not have formal authority over each other, treat one another. Previous researchers articulated the construct of peer justice climate, and suggested that it included at least three dimensions: distributive, procedural, and interpersonal. Peer distributive justice climate refers to the extent to which teammates receive what they deserve based on their contribution. Peer procedural justice climate refers to perceived fairness of the procedures and decision-making process within the team. Peer interpersonal justice climate refers to the perceived quality of interpersonal treatment from teammates. Subsequently, scholars made a more thorough examination of the structure of peer justice climate, and found that the structure was best represented by a hierarchical approach. At the first level were the three specific facets of peer justice climate: distributive, procedural and interpersonal. These dimensions, though distinguishable, were correlated. At the second level, they all loaded on a global second-order dimension (peer overall justice climate). In addition, past studies on the effects of peer justice climate indicated that peer justice climate was significantly related to satisfaction with one’s teammates and performance. Furtherly, teamwork quality mediated the relationship between peer justice climate and outcome variables (unit level citizenship behavior and satisfaction with teammates). In other words, peer justice boosts the quality of interaction among team members. This enhanced quality, in turn, engenders favorable attitudes and OCB. Based on these studies, future research should focus on the following aspects: (1explore furtherly the antecedents of peer justice climate. (2) From the perspective of team-member exchange, choose more variables about teamwork process (e.g., conflict, coordination) and emergent states (e.g., team identity, group morale), to reveal the underlying mechanisms of the effects of peer justice climate. (3) Test the moderating roles of new variables, such as peer justice climate strength, justice orientation, and group power distance etc. play in the relationship between peer justice climate and team effectiveness. (4) Use the longitudinal design to conduct more research on peer justice climate. (5) Based on Chinese unique culture, choose more relevant variable, such as team collectivistic orientation, intra-team guanxi and team value etc. conduct more research on peer justice climate.

Key words: justice climate, peer justice climate, authority justice climate, effects

摘要: 以往对公正氛围的探讨主要集中于源自权威的公正氛围上,而对来自同事的公正氛围关注较少。同事公正氛围是指团队成员对团队内同事之间相互对待公正性的共同知觉。本文首先对比总结界定了同事公正氛围的概念,明晰了其结构维度与测量工具,然后着重梳理评价了同事公正氛围的影响效能。未来研究应致力于:加强探讨同事公正氛围的前因变量,探讨同事公正氛围影响效能的内在机制和边界条件,运用纵向设计研究同事公正氛围的形成机制及影响效能,以及探索同事公正氛围研究的本土化。

关键词: 公正氛围, 同事公正氛围, 权威公正氛围, 影响效能